A Rich Day of Teachings – Ayya Santussikā Returns to PFoD

Program News

Ayya Santussikā and Ayya Cittānandā during their March 2020 visit

On September 27, 2020, Portland Friends of the Dhamma hosted a Daylong led by Ayya Santussikā, abbess of Karuna Buddhist Vihara. The topic which ran throughout the day was  “Directing the Mind, Cooling the Heart” and was attended by many, including one person from abroad. The day began with taking the Five Precepts, followed with a lovely guided meditation. The Vihara’s meal was offered by members of the PFoD community and was followed up with even more lovely reflections which you can hear for yourself by following this link “Directing the Mind, Cooling the Heart.”  The day has been described as a “treasure.” 

This is the second time in 2020 that Ayya Santussika Bhikkhuni, along with her attendant Ayya Cittananda Bhikkhuni have graced us with their presence. The first time was in March just before PFoD had to shut down due to the pandemic. Of course for now we meet online, one advantage is a much broader spectrum of people are able to participate.  

We are grateful to our donors and volunteers who made the meal offering, flowers, and technical support possible for this event. You are securing our ability to continue our training during the pandemic. Anumodana!

Conversations have already begun to secure Santussika Bhikkhuni’s return for more teachings. We will happily send out notices when this comes into being.

For more talks by Ayya Santussika click on Karuna Vihara Dhamma Talks.