Day of Practice and Teachings with Ajahn Geoff
Please join PFOD in welcoming Ajahn (Geoff) Thanissaro, abbot of Wat Metta, for an evening and a full day of teachings and meditation. Readings can be found at this link.
“There’s a widespread belief that the Buddha advocates developing a receptive and non-judging attitude in all situations — not judging your own mind states, not judging the behavior of others. This understanding comes from the way in which mindfulness has been taught in the West over the last half-century, but it has no basis in the Buddha’s actual teachings, or in the teachings of the Thai Forest masters.
This daylong course — through readings, meditation, talks, and discussion — will delve into the Buddha’s actual teachings on how to take your powers of judgment and train them to be skillful, so that instead of being a cause of suffering, they can help lead to suffering’s end.
Attention will also be given to the place of acceptance and equanimity on the path — what kind of acceptance isn’t useful, what kind is, and how you should deal with the things you have to accept so that you don’t suffer from them.”
–Ajahn Geoff
5:30-6:40 p.m. Casual tea and conversation
7-9 p.m. Meditation and Dhamma reflections
Zoom at 7 by clicking this link
10 a.m. Requesting the Five Precepts, meditation, Dhamma reflections
11 a.m. Break for lunch and meditation
1 p.m. Dhamma teachings and questions
4 p.m. Chanting and close
4:15 p.m. Optional tea and conversation on the garden level
Zoom at 10 by clicking this link
All programs are supported by the generous giving of the community, and donations are gratefully accepted to help our community thrive.