Walk to Feed the Hungry Gathers Friends, Old and New

Program News

For the third time, on October 19th, Portland Friends of the Dhamma hosted Buddhist Global Relief’s Walk to Feed the Hungry. The event brought friends together from our community and others (such as Oregon Buddhist Temple and Rose City Rebel Dharma) for an afternoon of Dhamma, generosity, fun, and… sunshine!

Before the Walk, we gathered at the the Center for Dhamma refections from Ajahn Sudanto (Pacific Hermitage), Ven. Domyo Burk (Bright Way Zen),  Rinzan Pechovnik Osho (No-Rank Zendo), Tan Gunaviro (Pacific Hermitage), Ven. Shinyu Vitells (Dharma Rain Zen Center), as well as our own Sakula-Mary Reinard. After that—with the monastics in the lead—we headed down SE Hawthorne a ways, then returned to the Center for some refreshments and to celebrate the day’s beautiful expression of our compassionate actions. 

We had 29 registered participants, seven Teams and (at last count) 85 donors who contributed $6,595 in support of Buddhist Global Relief’s efforts worldwide to alleviate malnutrition and starvation; to help girls get access to education; and to afford women the means of earning a safe livelihood. Once again this year, we partnered with Oregon Food Bank, and 10% of our donations (plus the huge amount of non-perishables we offered in their food barrel) will support OFB’s work to alleviate hunger in Portland and elsewhere.

Anumodana, friends!

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