Luang Por Pasanno

LP Pasanno: Readying the Mind & Heart for Meditation, Separation from the Loved, 1 of 3 Oct 17 2021 098

Luang Por Pasanno visits Portland Friends of the Dhamma from Pacific Hermitage for a daylong retreat. He reflects here on how to prepare the mind for meditation.

Luang Por Pasanno: Working Toward the Ending of Suffering and QnA Aug 15 2021 083

Luang Por Pasanno address Sunday Sila on Zoom. He reflects on sila, trust, the five precepts, volitions, kamma, and refining our relationship to our actions, speech and mind. He discusses how dana and sila lay the foundation for creating a good relationship with ourselves and others, confidence and well-being, and working toward the end of suffering. He also answers questions covering faith followers, dhamma followers, stream entry, precepts, letting go of the need to achieve and be successful, dealing with harsh speech in others,

2021 Celebration/Fundraiser with Luang Por Pasanno – 7. Monastic Closing Words, Blessing Chant & Group Sharing of the Blessings July 18 2021 081

Luang Por Pasanno and Ajahn Karunadhammo reflect on what it means to have a place to gather as a community with spiritual friends. They offer a special blessing chant for this special occasion.

2021 Celebration/Fundraiser with Luang Por Pasanno – 3. LP Pasanno – Q ‘n A session July 18 2021 077

Luang Por answers questions on meditation topics and skills, cultivating the mind, and grief. He touches on various mind objects, appropriate kinds of thinking, happiness, illuminating the mind, grief, and compassion.

2021 Celebration/Fundraiser with Luang Por Pasanno – 2. LP Pasanno – Internal & External Conditions for the Arising of Right View July 18 2021 076

Luang Por Pasanno addresses those present and on Zoom for the Annual Celebration on creating the conditions for wise reflection (yoniso manasikara), skillful reflection, skillful attention, drawing close to good friends, and creating community.

2021 Celebration/Fundraiser with Luang Por Pasanno – 1. LP Pasanno – Walking Meditation in an Urban Setting July 18 2021 075

After precepts and still meditation, Luang Por Pasanno gives instruction for walking meditation.