Ajahn Thanissaro (Geoff) appeared on Zoom hosted by Portland Friends of the Dhamma and joined by others from Belarus and Brazil to Peru and Sri Lanka. Over 170 practitioners gathered to hear his teaching on managing grief and coping with change. Guided meditation and two sutta study sessions were filled with practical skills on these two topics so relevant to recent events.
Dozens of participants expressed their gratitude for his teaching and the generous hosting by PFoD. We are grateful to our volunteers who were onsite during the session and who assisted along the way and to our donors who made this event possible and accessible.
Ajahn Thanissaro (Geoff) has been a long time teacher for PFoD, and this was his 19th annual visit. Sakula began the day by reflecting on the support she has received from Ajahn’s meditation teachings in particular. The recorded sessions from the day are available here and here. Other teachings and ebooks by Ajahn Geoff are available here.