Inspiring Teachings Made Possible by Donors and Volunteers

Program News

Our donors and volunteers made possible a wonderful weekend of meditation and teaching on the theme of joy by the inspiring Santussikā Bhikkhunī. She and Cittānandā Bhikkhunī visited for the weekend from Karuna Buddhist Vihara in the Santa Cruz mountains.

Tea and conversation was held around the table downstairs. Ayya Santussikā spoke on the topic of joy and happiness and their necessity on the path to enlightenment. She encouraged us to notice joy and cultivate it when it arises. The theme continued through the weekend. The altar was filled with flowers in warm welcome. All the seats were filled, and more cushions were set out. 

Such teaching is possible at Friends of the Dhamma because you, our donors and volunteers, have so generously given of time and resources. Anumodana!