Portland Friends of the Dhamma is governed by an elected Board of Directors operating under its bylaws, and by its Spiritual Director who is accountable both to the Board of Directors and to the Abhayagiri Monastic Sangha. There are also three standing committees

  • The Program Committee (chaired by the Spiritual Director)
  • The Finance Committee (chaired by the Treasurer)
  • The Building Committee (chaired by a Board nominee)

The Board meets at least four time a year and meetings are open to all community members. Directors serve a two-year term, with a three-term limit before a one-year sabbatical is required. Officers – Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary – serve one year terms and need not be Directors. Elections for directors and Officers are held at the Annual Meeting in April or May.

The current Board Members:  Directors: Spiritual Director Sakula Mary Reinard, Stephanie Bekooy(Chair) , Kristen Saxton and Jim Fairchild.  Officers: Alistair Williamson (Vice Chair) Bonnie Wilson (Treasurer), Christine Ye (Secretary).