Peaks and Valleys

Spiritual Director

Mountains in Alaska

The Dhamma’s Path treads just the same through peaks as it does through valleys.

PFoD has been in existence now for nearly thirteen years, incredible don’t you think? This past year has been especially sweet for me with the establishing of Matthew Grad as the second Dhamma teacher. I’m sure I’m joined by many when I say to Matthew, Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu.

And to know that we continue to live, breath and exist on an all Dana basis is truly uplifting to the heart. I love this aspect of our practice, just recalling the abundant goodwill that flows in, around and out of this center lifts my heart with appreciative joy.

Being an all Dana facility guarantees we only offer events and teachings that folks are inspired to support. In this way the community has a big say on what takes place. Our administration merely takes the donations and organizes the events that receive support.

In the autumn it is common for donations to the center to slump, this autumn is no different. So it is responsible to share with you that (with the exception of our close-down fund) our coffers are dry. Not a problem, the Dhamma’s Path treads just the same through peaks as it does through valleys. Three years ago we were in our highest peak finacially and we used our money well and help establish the Pacific Hermitage. Currently we’re walking through a valley, not a problem, just a reality that I thought you all would like to know.

If you are so inspired here are a few items that are available for sponsorship:

  • Tickets for Ajahn Geoff and companion $500 – $600
  • Ticket for Ajahn Sucitto WI to SEA $225
  • Web site Template $80
  • November’s rent $745
  • Bulk Buckwheat Hulls for Zafu’s $60 (includes shipping)
  • One sheet of postal stamps $9
  • Paper for printer (for notice boards) $7.50

And thank you for every dollar you add to the bowl, it pays the rent!

A deep bow to this community and the beautiful expression of Dana that we’ve managed over the past thirteen years!

— Sakula